Learning ‘Ōlelo: lū‘au


(LOO-ow) (n) a Hawaiian celebration feast.


“He’s getting more and more pupule every day. Talking to himself. Puttering around the reef and docks with that dog. Now he thinks he’s cooking a Christmas lū‘au for one hundred people. Like he even knows one hundred people for invite!” ~ Liz

Note: ‘Ōlelo is a Hawaiian word meaning language, speech, word, etc.  To see the current list of Hawaiian and Pidgin words, definitions, and usage please click on

Pidgin Dictionary

Learning ‘Ōlelo: mento


(MEN-tow) (nvs) Pidgin for crazy, not right in the head. Literally mental.


English: Any sober adult who runs around the backyard shouting I’m a butterfly see me soar has a problem.

Pidgin: Cousin Eddie? Mento.


Note: ‘Ōlelo is a Hawaiian word meaning language, speech, word, etc.  To see the current list of Hawaiian and Pidgin words, definitions, and usage please click on

Pidgin Dictionary