Futless by the Numbers

Futless by the Numbers


Days since heel surgery: 7

Days drug free: 2

Days attention span longer than a goldfish: 2

Books read: 0

Books started: 4

Chapters written: 0

Attempts at writing chapters: 733

Random checks of Facebook and Twitter: 2587

Catan/Candy Crush/Carcassonne games played on iPad: 7256

New York Times crossword puzzles solved: 5

History documentaries watched: 41

Movies watched: 1

Movies started: 15

Real Diet Cokes drunk: 1

Days family filled sippy cup with caffine-free Diet Coke and lied: 6

Ice packs filled: 47

Max number of pillows propping leg: 9

Number of times knee scooter needed but being used by kids doing wheelies: 13

Times ran over own toes with scooter: 5

Falls with crutches: 2

Attempts with crutches: 3

Days to walking cast and being able to sit at desk: 21